Wednesday, September 24, 2014
DC to DC converter 1 5V to 3V Circuit Diagram
A DC-DC converter 1.5V to 3V Circuit Diagram to reduce the voltage is easy, but the situation becomes more complicated when we have to increase the voltage. This simple scheme generates a voltage 3Vdc from 1.5 VDC, which can be a single stack. We can get good results by modifying an multivibrator using two transistors, the frequency converter is approximately 130 kHz. The inductance value can be calculated experimentally.
DC / DC converter 1.5V to 3V Circuit Diagram

Schottky diode VD1 can be replaced by any other similar characteristics.
For further stabilization of the output voltage can be placed one Zener 3V - 3.3V. This scheme can be used to feed a power LED device, a micro-controller, Arduino, etc. ..
List of Components
R1, R3: 1K
R2: 2K2
C1: 470pF
C2: 100uF / 3.3V
C3: 1000uF
L1: 470UH
VD1: 15MQ040
VT1, VT2: BC547