Saturday, September 13, 2014
Simple Pulse Oximeter Wiring diagram Schematic

This schema is a pulse oximeter, it is a medical device to indirectly measure the amount of oxygen in the blood of a person. The schema is very simple and inexpensive to build, the sensor to be monitored only need an oscilloscope, but the case does not have an oscilloscope, here an article on how to make your pc a Oscilloscope. The operation is simple, light from an LED shines through on one side of your finger and is measured across the photo-transistor, a clothespin wood will engage the LED and the photo-transistor as a way to mount and align the sensor with finger.
The monitor schema uses only a single IC LM324 operational amplifier. There are three basic steps, the input signal is decoupled before being pre-amplified then passes through an adjustable low-pass filter to help eliminate noise 60Hz AC and finally a further low-pass filter in parallel with amplifier.
The monitor schema uses only a single IC LM324 operational amplifier. There are three basic steps, the input signal is decoupled before being pre-amplified then passes through an adjustable low-pass filter to help eliminate noise 60Hz AC and finally a further low-pass filter in parallel with amplifier.
Pulse Oximeter Circuit Diagram